The Situation of Drug Safety Management in Sukhothai Province

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Pongpat Ruengwit
Somchitr Thongsukdee
Teeraya Vorapani


This survey research aimed to investigate the situation of drug safety management in Sukhothai province with a focus on pharmaceutical distribution sources and medicine. The accidental sampling was applied to select the areas and shops/grocery stores and households.The data was collected between 2014 and 2018. The results of continually evaluation found that the veterinary drugstores and traditional drugstores met the standard, also all entrepreneurs and professionals followed the regulation. The medicine which expired or deteriorated were not found. For modern drugstores and drugstore class two or ready-packed drugs which beharmless or special controlled drug, the entrepreneurs made an account correctly and up to dated increasingly. There were professionals worked in drugstores all time and it has not found expired medicine or deteriorated medicine in the pharmacies. In addition, the study revealed that shops/grocery stores sole antibiotic, Yachud (multiple drugs within the same container and intended to be used together at the same time), and bolus that decreased from 46.07% in 2015 to 23.61 and 16.67% in 2016-2017, respectively. The proactive survey in households found that using steroid decreased from 21.00% in 2016 to 2.78 and 0.00% in 2017-2018, respectively while
antibiotics declined from 35.90% to 16.67 and 5.72%, respectively. The reactive inspection by using test kit showed that the contamination of steroid in medicine decreased from 50.00% in 2017 to 44.44% in 2018. Therefore, the Public Health Office should cooperate with network partners to control the distribution of medicine; drugstores, vendors, flea markets, and others. Furthermore, the Public Health Office should randomize medicine for inspection and advice on
drug registration, having legal drug labeling, and no selling of Yachud and drugs contaminated with steroid that are dangerous to consumers. Finally, it should be a continual follow-up using drug in patients’ house to manage sustainable drug safety and protect people to get safety for
medicine consume.

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How to Cite
Ruengwit P, Thongsukdee S, Vorapani T. The Situation of Drug Safety Management in Sukhothai Province. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];27(3):34-41. Available from:
Research Article


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