Laboratory Capacity Building and Networking Development for Strengthening Monitoring Programs in Thailand Focused on Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables

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Wischada Jongmevasna
Thongsuk Payanan
Rattiyakorn Srikote
Weerawut Wittayanan
Jitpaka Suntudrob


Sequential monitoring data of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables form regular
surveillances is indispensable information for consumer protection management based on risk
evaluation. For the aspect, the scope of pesticide analysis is a key issue getting involved in the
effectiveness of monitoring programs. Therefore in 2015 – 2018, the project of pesticide laboratory
capacity building and networking development had initiated and carried out. The scope
of analysis for target pesticide residues will be more increased than 62 compounds. Pesticides
with regulatory levels and high prevalence of contaminations were considered as priority lists
of target analytes in both primary and intermediate groups In 2016, rapid and effective procedures
as multi-residue methods were developed and used for the determination of the primary group
with 132 compounds by using GC-MS/MS and HPLC. Successively, in 2018, the method using
GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS was established and used for the determination of the intermediate
group with 250 compounds in the surveillance program. It was found that the expansion of target
pesticide residues analysis resulted in the higher detection of non-complied samples. However,
if these samples were analyzed by using the method for 132 target compounds. The effectiveness
of non-complied sample screening was found at 85.6% of the result obtained from 250 target
compounds. It indicated that the classification of target pesticides in both primary and intermediate
groups were an applicable guideline for setting programs of sur veillances and inspections
depending on their purposes. Since 2016, the laboratory networking for strengthening pesticide
residues analysis has had developed and cooperated by using participatory development processes.
The annual action plan, technological transfer, and evaluation processes such as proficiency testing
programs for continuous capability buildings of network staffs have also been implemented.
As the successive plan in 2020, Reginal Medical Science Centers located in 4 regions of Thailand
as network laboratories will able to analyze pesticide residues in the primary group and provide
the service in their responsible areas.

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How to Cite
Jongmevasna W, Payanan T, Srikote R, Wittayanan W, Suntudrob J. Laboratory Capacity Building and Networking Development for Strengthening Monitoring Programs in Thailand Focused on Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];27(2):73-86. Available from:
Research Article


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