The study of the Situation of Cosmetic Production Sites and the Potential of Cosmetic Manufacturers in Thailand, 2018

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Roongdara Niampoka
Surasak Saokaew


This study objective was to evaluate the conditions of the cosmetic production facilities and their manufacturing potential in accordance to the Ministry of Public Health’s 2018 announcement regarding the rules and regulations of cosmetic productions and imports. The data was collected from July 2018 to October 2018 using surveys completed on the 11,525 nation-wide cosmeticื production facilities and 321 cosmetic manufacturers where located Bangkok were evaluated on their manufacturing potential. The researcher utilized cross-sectional descriptive statistics research explaining sample group data, enumerated as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study on the conditions of the cosmetic production facilities indicated that 8,865 out of 11,525 production sites existed (76.92%). Amongst these, 8,788 production sites were evaluated, where 468 units (5.33%) passed the evaluation, but 8,320 units (94.67%) did not. The reasons included incorrect addresses, closed or abandoned sites, change of location use, etc. The evaluation of the cosmetic manufacturers in Bangkok was divided into three groups of facilities:
factories, commercial buildings, and residential buildings. The study found that the average score of the factories was statistically significantly greater than the commercial buildings and residential buildings (p-value < 0.001). The ability to comply with the regulations such as the separation proportion of production sites, in the factories was statistically significantly greater than the commercial buildings and residential buildings. All th ree groups had production equipment in good level. The factories had statistically significantly better results in the area of operation cleanliness and labeling. The results indicated that the production according to the master formula document needs improvement for manufacturers in commercial buildings and residential buildings. The manufacturers in the factory settings had statistically significantly
better quality control than the other two groups whose ratings were “decent”. In the criteria of document production and master document formulation, all three groups were rated as “need improvement”. The production records criteria was rated as need improvement in all three groups with the data showing statistically significantly that the residential buildings requires more improvement than the other groups. With the aim to ensure that the cosmetic production facilities follow the rules and regulations as set out by the Ministry of Public Health’s announcement within 2020, the following recommendations are made: (1) every manufacturer must be evaluated and monitored before the rules and regulations are in effect, (2) collaborating with other state agencies to provide improvement and development funds to manufacturers, and (3) provide trainings and education on quality control and production document preparation.

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How to Cite
Niampoka R, Saokaew S. The study of the Situation of Cosmetic Production Sites and the Potential of Cosmetic Manufacturers in Thailand, 2018. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];26(3):54-67. Available from:
Research Article


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