Creation of Social Measures to Consumer Protection on Food Label Management, a Caes Study in Talaad-Thai

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Wisood Siripattanakulkajorn


The results of foods quality surveillance at Talaad-Thai, in July 2016 found that food labeling is not legal nearly 30 percent of samples. Although the past has been law enforcement throughout. Department of Pharmacy and Consumer Protection, Klongluang Hospital as a responsible department were study for this problem solving and evaluation. This research is action research. It consists of creation of social measures to consumer protection on food label management by creation of engagement and evaluation by semi-experimental techniques (One group Pre-test Post-test design). The purpose of this study was to create of social measures or collective agreement in society to solve the problem of food labeling among food traders, Talaad-Thai managers and government officers by community. The results verify the information on 8 groups of food labels in the 3,649 samples of 169 shops during October 2016 - May 2018 are found that social measures have been established by community. Both positive measure by promoting publicity and negative measure with the maximum penalty was shop retraction. The data shown incorrect food label, found that after community, rate has decreased from 31.9 to 22.7 percent by the major incorrect food label are Bread and Pastries group, Shrimp paste, Pla-Ra sauce, Chili paste and Ti-Pla group and Fermented foods group, respectively. The major missing information on food label are “best before date” and “food serial number”, respectively.As a result to create the social measures and law enforcement at the same time for solve problems of incorrect food label in Talaad-Thai. However, the implementation of social measures may be accepted, importance and cooperation of the people to be effective and sustainable.

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How to Cite
Siripattanakulkajorn W. Creation of Social Measures to Consumer Protection on Food Label Management, a Caes Study in Talaad-Thai. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];26(1):11-22. Available from:
Research Article


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