The Study of Pharmacy Primary Care Service Situation and Public Health Officer's Idea in Pharmacy Primary Care Service for Steroid Abuse Problem Management Model in Uthaithani Province

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Jintana Poonsukserm


As Uthaithani Public Health Office had proceeded the steroid abuse problem management in community project. The evaluation showed that the problem management model couldn’t sustainably solve the problem and found that the hospital pharmacist took little participation. So the researcher developed this study which aimed to study pharmacy primary care service situation and public health officers’ concept in pharmacy primary care service for steroid abuse problem management model in Uthaithani Province. The study was cross-sectional descriptive studies, the studied population was public health officers in Uthaithani Province. The research tool was questionnaire for public health officers involved pharmacy primary care service for steroid abuse problem management. The results showed that the pharmacy primary care service of primary care unit, secondary care unit and tertiary care unit in Uthaithani Province were different and inconsistent. The average opinion’s scores of public health officers in management unit are higher than the average opinion’s scores of public health officers in operation unit. The recommendations of this study are as follows: 1) District administrators should be leadership in collaborations with other organizations for integrating steroid abuse problems management; 2) Provincial administrators should encourage the monitoring of health products and continue to strictly law enforce for the violator; 3) District officers and networks must review problem informations and situations to communities and give opportunity for the communities to participate in problems management; 4) Provincial officers must develop patient referral system for Cushing’s Syndrome or other side effects to multidisciplinary team; 5) Provincial officers should provide training to enhance home visit skills in the field of medicine and health products to home visit teams according to the Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) of the disease or symptom of steroid use; 6) Provincial officers should create health information database to detect steroids linked to  provincial system and single window of health warnings system.

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How to Cite
Poonsukserm J. The Study of Pharmacy Primary Care Service Situation and Public Health Officer’s Idea in Pharmacy Primary Care Service for Steroid Abuse Problem Management Model in Uthaithani Province. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];25(2):67-75. Available from:


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