Development of the measures for sustainable improvement of quality and safety school mailk application of the Theory of change

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Tipawan Prarinyasiri


The objective of this study was to develop sustainable measures to resolve burdens in school mike supply chain so as to provide quality and safe milk products for students. The study was qualitative research using document research along with participant observation and focus group discussion. Data were analysed by the content analysis method with the application of the Theory of Change. Secondary data related to measures for controlling and management of risk in production of school milk that have been implemented by government agencies along the supply chain since 1996 were collected and reviewed. The measures reviewed were both legal and non-legal such as the provisions of quality and safety standard for raw milk, the provisions related to GMP of milk product manufacturing, the criteria related to raw milk purchasing and contract making. Developmental measures, such as development programme for SMEs on GMP improvement (1999-2004) and IQA system implementation (2005-2006), were also reviewed. By comparison of data regarding the legal quality standards of school-milk recorded between 2010-2012 and 2015-2017, it shows similar trend of numbers of product sample that were not complied with established standards (4-5%). Whereas, results of GMP audit complied with the legal standard. These contradictory results imply that some weak points in the School milk supply chain may have been existed so that appropriate additional measures are needed. The weak points and determinants required in the School milk supply chain were analysed by application of the Theory of Change based on the current situations on the School milk supply chain. It was proposed that appropriate competencies and capacities of personnel in milk production may be lacking as there were no current activities or measures to support this determinant.  Appropriate standardised training courses and competency evaluation programmes to build capacities of personnel in the school milk production and supply chain was proposed in this study.

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How to Cite
Prarinyasiri T. Development of the measures for sustainable improvement of quality and safety school mailk application of the Theory of change . Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2018 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];25(1):15-28. available from:


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