Dietary Exposure to 3-MCPD from Condiments and Evalution of the Impact of Different Proposed Maximun Levels


  • Wanchai Sritongkham สำนักงานคณะกรรมการอาหารและยา
  • Jarunee Wonglek สำนักงานคณะกรรมการอาหารและยา


3-MCPD, Exposure assessment, Contaminant Condiment


3-MCPD or 3-monochloropropane-1, 2-diol is a contaminant fond in hydrolysis vegetable protein products (Hydrolysis Vegetable Protein; HVP) This substance is toxic to many organ including liver, kidney, thyroid, and genital tract. It is also a mutagen and may be carcinogenic. It is therefore necessary to conduct a survey levels of contamination and assess the risk of 3-MCPD from consumption of condiments such as fish sauces, soy sauce and other sauce. The condiment products including soy sauce and fish sauce were collected from market and super maker by different survey project in different location in Thailand with totally 322 samples. The results showed that 3-MCPD contaminated accounting for 56.83% of the total samples with range of 0.0014 - 2.60 mg / kg. By other sauce products such as oyster sauce and mush room souse had highest number of contamination accounting for 88% of the total samples with lowest amount in range of 0.001-0.100 mg / kg. While soy sauce found only 38% of the total samples but with the highest amount, range from 0.0014 - 2.60 mg/kg.

Exposure assessment showed that fish sauce was mainly source of exposure of 3-MCPD for both general consumer and the risk group with age 3-5.9 years. This is higher than that of soy sauce. Therefore, the Maximum Level of 3-MCPD in fish sauce should be provided by regulation. According of the guideline from CCCF the maximum level (ML) should be Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). This research found that the appropriated ML for all kinds of condiments is 0.05 mg/kg because it can reduce the intake of 3-MCPD with rate of 22 % even although violation rate quietly high for fish sauce with 33.71 %.  Further study should be carried out to assess the economic impact from both soy sauce and fish sauce producers prior to make a decision.




How to Cite

Sritongkham W, Wonglek J. Dietary Exposure to 3-MCPD from Condiments and Evalution of the Impact of Different Proposed Maximun Levels. Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2018 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];24(2):20-3. available from:


