Features of Autism in Children with Visual Impairments: A Brief Report
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Children with visual impairments (VI) display challenges in social interaction, may have elevated repetitive behaviors, and sensory features similar to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is frequently diagnosed comorbidly in children with VI, making it important for educators to better understand the behavioral similarities and differences between ASD and VI. For this study, the researchers compared 27 children with VI between the ages of 5 and 12 with 177 children with ASD using parent reports of ASD symptomology. Statistical means comparisons were conducted between these two groups on items related to social communication, repetitive behaviors and sensory features. Results: The children with VI displayed similar overall levels of autism symptoms but had better social interaction skills and less behavior and sensory problems. This pilot investigation may help educators better understand the unique needs of children with visual impairments and develop more targeted supports for children with VI who exhibit sensory differences or social communication impairments. Future research should include observational assessments and validated measures.
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