CDMH Journal Publication Ethics

      The Child Development and Mental Health International Journal, CDMH Journal, is a publication which covers different medical topics in relation to child development or mental health issues at large. This publication is under the authority of the Thai Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health twice a year in the English language to facilitate discussion and sharing of knowledge and experiences between healthcare professionals. The CDMH Journal welcomes Thai and International scholars, healthcare providers, researchers, as well as pediatric and mental health specialists to submit original scholarly articles for consideration.

It is strongly suggested that prospective authors read thhis Publication Ethics in full before submitting articles or manuscripts for publication. Plagiarism is not tolerated, and all article submissions are subject to analyzation using the CopyCatch system provided through Thai Jo. Any submissions that are flagged as having been published already, even by the same author, will be rejected. Only original, previously unpublished works with strong evidence-based grounding will be considered by the CDMH Journal Editorial Team for publication in the CDMH Journal.

General Duties and Responsibilities of  Editors

Editors are responsible for all articles, research findings, or other material published under the CDMH Journal namesake. Editors are therefore held accountable to ensure, to the best of their ability, that all published material adheres to the following criteria:  

  • All publications are factually correct and have sufficient supporting evidence
    • Any inaccuracies or misleading/ambiguous statements or findings should be noted and redacted along with the corrections and clarifications necessary
  • All research submitted adheres to ethical guidelines for all applicable governing bodies
  • Respecting and maintaining a high academic standard
  • All submissions are free of plagiarism or uncited facts or claims outside the direct findings of the author. Should plagiarism be detected:
    • Minimal and inadvertent – the Editorial Team will immediately contact author(s) to conduct a re-write of section(s) in question
    • Extensive and intentional – the Editorial Team will immediately reject the submission and notify the author(s).
  • Publications should present content that holds value and relevance to the scope of the CDMH Journal
  • Editors ensure to protect the confidentiality of authors and reviewers to other during the period of reviewing process.
  • Editors must give  unbiased consideration to all manuscripts submitted for publication and based on merit without regard to race, gender, religious, ethnic, nationality, or political of the authors. 
    The editors and the editorial team must not disclose any information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than the reviewers and potential reviewers. Follow process of the double blinded peer review strictly act. Editors ensure  procedure of double-blind peer review by qualified reviewers who have no conflict of interest with any article or authors.

In addition to a responsibility to the content within each CDMH Journal publication, Editors have a responsibility to the institution of the Journal itself and will actively seek to contribute towards its improvement and development as an international academic publication. This includes precluding any potential business or financial conflicts of interest and ensure the integrity of its intellectual standards. Lastly, there should be no conflict of interest between authors, reviewers and editorial board members.


General Dutiess and Responsibilities of Authours

Authors are responsible and accountable to the Editorial Team of the CDMH Journal for all the content within the articles they submit for publications. Authors are expected to:

  • Clearly outline the methods and processes used during their research, where applicable
  • Clearly disclose sources for funding of the content they produce
  • Be prepared to answer questions or clarification requests posed by the Editorial Team
  • Include sufficient peer-reviewed publications which their submission builds upon
    • Cite all sources for supporting data
  • Clearly report the results or findings of their study with minimal bias or omission
    • If data or findings are omitted, clearly state the justification for doing so (compromised test, extreme outlier datum that is unable to be replicated, outside forces skewed results, etc.)
  • Credit all contributing authors or researchers involved clearly
  • Familiarize themselves with this document and all the expectations of the CDMH Journal and its Editorial Team
  • Respect the Editorial Team and any decisions or requests made including rejection of the article for publication
    • If the Author wishes to contest the response from the Editorial Team or its reasoning, they may present their case to the Editor-in-Chief for review
  • Submit original works that have not been previously published elsewhere

Ultimately, the CDMH Journal Editorial Team are held responsible for the content that is published by the CDMH Journal and submitting authors must respect the requirements, requests, or decisions made in consideration for their works’ publication in the CDMH Journal.


General Dutiess and Responsibilities of Reviewers

The CDMH Journal follows the standard practice of having all submissions double-blind peer-reviewed and scrutinized by a network of reviewers for accuracy and quality standards are all met appropriately. This team of reviewers are key to quality control for the CDMH Journal and are responsible to do the following:

  • Maintain confidentiality for all works under review and not distribute or share any submission without explicit consent from the author or Editor-in-Chief for a specific reason
  • Review all submissions with due diligence to fact-check and verify its claims and works-cited
  • Disclose any conflict of interest between themselves and the author or their submission
    • If conflict of interest is found, they must recuse themselves or respect the decision from the CDMH Journal Editorial Team to rescind the reviewer’s duties
  • Reviewers must review submissions within their own area of expertise and be familiar with the concepts and topics contained within the submitted article
  • Give an honest and objective evaluation of the author’s submitted data, methodology, findings, and overall content
    • Pose questions to the author regarding anything unclear or difficult to understand to the reviewer
    • Request source for any fact or assertion by the author which is not cited clearly
    • Identify any grammatical or spelling mistakes
    • Identify any other aspects of the submitted content they feel warrants editing

These notes and critiques should be passed along to the Editorial Team for review before being passed to the original author for revision and re-submission. The identity of the reviewers will be held in strict confidence.


Contract office:  International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health – CDMH

Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development
196  Village No.10  Fang-Chiang Mai Rd.,  Don Keaw Sub-district, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50180
 : +66 53 908 300  ext. 73167  : +66 53 908 330    : [email protected]