Focus and Scope, Editorial Policy

Journal scope

            The International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health which is published twice a year encourages Thai and International scholars, health providers, researchers and child and mental health development specialists to publish scholarly articles that include original and review articles, case studies,  case reports, invited review articles, preliminary reports, miscellany and systemic reviews on child development and mental health.


            The main aim of the journal is to publish scholarly articles that include original and review articles, case studies, case reports, and systemic reviews. Scholars from disciplines serving child development or mental health are encouraged to submit their papers which have to be reviewed by experts in the  field  for  content, and inaccordance  with  professional standards of the disciplines.

Peer Review Process

Peer review process

            Submitted articles have to undergo preliminary review by the Editorial Team before subjecting it to major evaluation procedures. If the article was declined, the author has to revise its content based on the initial comments provided. Accepted articles for review are evaluated by the Editorial Team based on its content, methodology, and data analysis procedures. All manuscripts must be peer-reviewed by at least 3 external reviewers.  Comments and recommendations are forwarded to the author for compliance. Like wise, the author is advised to follow APA format in citing references. Publication Frequency CDMH is published in the months of June and December (ISSN Print 2286-7281, ISSN Online 2586-887X)  by Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development,  Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Which is an Open Access Journal, and all articles are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download upon publication.

Publication Frequency

            CDMH is published in the months of June and December (ISSN Print 2286-7281, ISSN Online 2586-887X) by Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Which is an Open Access Journal, and all articles are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download upon publication.

Ethics policy

         Ethics policy for authors who are considering publishing in this journal: Ethics on Writing Articles. All authors must submit original, non-plagiarized research articles. Thus, proper use of citation or quotation is strictly observed by the Editorial Board. Plagiarism: The authors will ensure that they have written their articles based on their research or study. If the authors have used the work, the text, or the words of another researcher, it should be quoted or cited appropriately.  The CDMH Journal analyzes each submission for plagiarism using the CopyCatch  system provided by Thai Jo. In cases of use of human or animal subjects, appropriate approval from the respective institution’s ethics board must be secured, The researcher shall state that the procedures performed in their research involving humans or animals were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institution or research committee and clearly documented in the paper to the publisher. Likewise, the use of graphics and photographs that will breach subject anonymity/confidentiality must accompany with ethics document approval and/or informed consent. Informed Consent: To be included in the research or study, informed consent must be obtained from all individual participants or by parental/legal guardians or by animal owners. Use of patient images or case details requires prior approval and/or informed consent before they can be published. In cases of use of human or animal subjects, appropriate approval from the respective institution’s ethics board must be secured. Likewise, the use of graphics and photographs that will breach subject anonymity/confidentiality must a company with ethics document approval and/or informed consent.

Manuscript Submission

            Details of the submission and review process can be found at cdmh. The editor and editorials board oversee manuscript reviews. Once a manuscript is submitted, an editor is assigned to make the peer reviewer assignments through the double-blind peer review by at least three experts. The entire process ordinarily takes 3 months and revisions are often requested. Corresponding authors who require assistance in submitting their manuscripts should contact the Editorial Office via the website, e-mail, and

            Abstracts and manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the instructions including formatting of tables, figures, references and metrics. The editor is responsible for obtaining reviews and deciding on thedisposition of all manuscripts (acceptance, rejection, or requests for revision). (Reminder: It is important that the article has never been published before and notin the between time of submitting in other journal, notcopyright by other publishers)

 Publication Ethics

        The International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health, CDMH, is a Journal of Child Development and Mental Health from the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand and is published twice a year in the English language. We encourage Thai and International scholars, health providers, researchers, and child and mental health development specialists to publish scholarly articles. We request that authors read and understand our Ethics Policy before submitting any manuscripts for our journal.  The CDMH Journal analyzes each submission for plagiarism using the CopyCatch system provided by Thai Jo. An important thing for authors to note is that articles should not have already been submitted for publishing in another journal  and / or not in the between time of submitting to publlish in other Jornal. Our Journal has the following general duties and responsibilities for editors, authors and readers: If any authors or readers have any questions concerning ethical issues, we encourage you to download information from CDMH Journal website:

 Types of Manuscript 

      Manuscripts submitted in the form of review articles, research papers, case studies, case reports, invited review articles, preliminary report, miscellanyand systemic reviews related to child development and mental health or short communications where as an approximate guide to length with Microsoft word and PDF file format.

  • Review articles, invited review articles, preliminary report, and systemic reviews must: not exceed 15 typed pages of printed text, inclusive of tables, figures and references; and with maximum 15-40 references which should be within 10* year
  • Research papers must not exceed 8-14 typed pages,
    similarly all-inclusive. The number of references should not exceed 30, and should not be older than 10* years of the research study
  • Case studies, case reports miscellany and Short Communications must not exceed 12 typed pages
    including maximum of three tables, three figures and the number of 8-15 references

*: unless of significant importance book or Theory.


Preparation of manuscripts

        Manuscripts submitted for publication will normally consist of the following sections: Title, Authors Name and Addresses, Abstract (including Keywords), Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results,Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendation, Limitation if any), acknowledgements (if any), and References. For format and general style, authors should refer to current issue (see also the Journal website) as guide. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will be subjected to revision or be rejected at the submission stage. Photographs, figures and line drawings should be of optimum quality. Color photographs are acceptable whenever it is necessarybut the extra costs involved in the reproduction must be borne by the author(s).  Manuscripts should be typed as MSWord documents on A4-sized pages with justified text, times new roman size 12.The preferred length of manuscripts is 8-15 typed pages or less, but a somewhat greater length may be accepted, depending on the complexity and importance of the research.  The author must submit digital files ofthe article in PDF format and Microsoft word file to prevent formatting errors. which has to be submitted online at journal website #onlineSubmissions or email at cdmhjournalricd2015, The submission must in clude the following * Author name should be Full name, Name then follow with Sirname or Family name. This could promote the right citation via the searching system or how to citing.


1. Title of study: This section includes the research title, author(s), institutional affiliation and the email adress of the author.

  1.  a) Title: concise and informative without usingacronyms
  2.   b)   Author(s): first name, middle initial and last name along with highest academic degree(s);
  3.  c) Institutional affiliation(s): write organizational affiliation of each author, and assign an individual super-scripted numbers for each author’s name and institutional affiliation; and
  4. d) The corresponding authors’ email address.

2. Running Head: The running head should be a shortened version of the title of your paper, no more than 50 characters long (including spaces) in uppercase letters. The running head is typed in the HEADER at the top left of each page. The label “Running head:” that precedes the running head on the title page is not included in the 50 character count.

3. Abstract: A structured abstract should be no   longer than 250 words, with writing sequence that includes the following parts:

  1.   a)  Objectives: brief statement of the purpose of the study;
  2.   b) Methods: the summary of the participants,research design, samples selection, setting, measures, and procedures;
  3.   c) Results: primary findings of the research; and
  4.   d) Conclusions: statement of implications of the study.

4. Keywords: Important words/concepts found in your paper that allow other researchers/authors to find your paper when performing a topic search. Which journal allow 1-5 words. The Keywords would be from Title, Abstract or in Contents.
5. Introductions: This provides a context or background of the study; the importance of the study, also it states the knowledge gap and/or benefits of the study.
6. Objectives: states the specific purposes or research objectives. However, usages of pertinent references are strongly advised.
7. Methods: This includes study design selection and description of participants; identification of research methods, apparatus, and procedures; and, statistical instruments used.
8. Results: This presents your results in logical sequence using text, tables, and illustrations by giving the main or most importance findings first. Each tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Tables/figures should follow these specifications: (a) caption and content must be in English only, and (b) captions/titles must be placed above it.
 In addition, numbers in- text and in a table should be reported consistently using the same form at throughout the whole article.
9. Discussion: In this section, new and important aspects of the study results are emphasized following the derived conclusions.
10. Limitation: of the study (if any).
11. Recommendations (if any): States of the following for research are base of on the study finding.
12. Acknowledgement: In a separate section before the References, this should be written as a brief paragraph, and should not be inserted as footnote.
13. References: Apply APA, in citing authorships of used references in the study. All referenced documents should be in English (For Thai references, it has to be translated to English as well). We strongly recommend to use APA 6th edition both in line citing and bibliography. All of the in-text citations must have corresponding citations in the referencepart and the reference list should be in an alphabetical ordered following the American  Psychological Association’s (APA) sample below:


Article processing charges (APCs)

The journal does not charge authors article processing charges (APCs) or other fees for publication.


- Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, Ministry of public health (RICD), Thailand
- Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health (DHM), Thailand

Sources of Support

- Pingtung Christian Hospital (PTCH), Taiwan
- Healthy Asia Co., Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan
- National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan

Journal History

       International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health focuses on the dissemination of ideas and promoting the development of further research pertaining to child development and mental health. The Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) has founded and issued its first publication of the Rajanagarindra Journal in April 2012. It publishes two editions each year in January - June, and July - December.