Is Urban TB Control Challenging?

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นัชชา แสงวัชรสุนทร


          It has been challenged for TB control in urban settings due to several factors, among them overcrowding, the presence of a significant population of seasonal migrants, and larger numbers of poor people with little access to healthcare. TB Clinic in Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute (BIDI) developed of a “one stop service” for TB patient registration in the large hospitals by Multidisciplinary team. Activities of BIDI for TB prevention and control program by DOTS strategy are including TB case finding in risk groups and TB case management.
          The Key successes of the urban DOTS are “Teamwork” and “Network” 1) The BIDI TB team is made up of experienced and knowledgeable doctors, nurses, pharmacists, counselors, social workers and BIDI back officers. 2) TB network healthcare officers and facilities who are involved in the community, improving the system for referral and transfer of patients both within city and back to their home provinces. Using the application Line® with Nonthaburi Provincial Health Office as a focal TB coordinator and members are all TB coordinators from public and private sectors, Medical hospital and sub-district health promotion hospitals in Nonthaburi Province for network coordinating and tracing TB patients.

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How to Cite
แสงวัชรสุนทร น. (2018). Is Urban TB Control Challenging?. Journal of Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute, 12(2), 97–104. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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