The Change of Occlusal Bite Force during Clear Aligner Treatment and Squeezing Exercise

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Wisama Withayanukonkij
Chidchanok Leethanakul
Sakarin Tangpothitham


Background: No studies revealed the change of occlusal bite force during clear aligner treatment combined with the squeezing exercise. Objective: To study the change of occlusal bite force during anterior open bite treatment with clear aligners and squeezing exercise. Materials and methods: Twenty-two adults with anterior open bite were treated with customized clear aligners. Anterior open bite was corrected using clear aligners combined with squeezing exercise. Squeezing exercise was done by clenching on the clear aligner with submaximal bite force around 80 %. Occlusal bite force was collected at pretreatment (T0), 1 month (T1), 2 months (T2), 3 months (T3), 4 months (T4), 5 months (T5), and 6 months of treatment (T6). Parametric tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: After commencement the treatment, the maximum bite force was significantly higher than the squeezing bite force at all time intervals. Both maximum and squeezing bite force substantially increased from T0 to T2, gradually increased from T2 to T4, and remained stable from T4 to T6. Conclusions: Clear aligner treatment combined with squeezing exercises enhanced both maximum and squeezing bite force during a 6-month observation period.

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How to Cite
Withayanukonkij W, Leethanakul C, Tangpothitham S. The Change of Occlusal Bite Force during Clear Aligner Treatment and Squeezing Exercise. Thai J Orthod [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(1):21-30. Available from:
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