Orthodontist and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Tools
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that contributes to disrupted sleep due to a cessation of breathing or a decrease in airflow. OSA is diagnosed by polysomnography (PSG), which is considered to be the gold standard. However, conducting a PSG has limitations that include, time consumption, inconvenience, and cost. Also, all institutions may not have the equipment, technicians, or expert sleep physicians for a definitive diagnosis of OSA. Patients who have subclinical symptoms may go undiagnosed because of its non-specificity and patient unawareness. OSA should be examined in a timely manner. If the disease goes undiagnosed for an extended time, many short- and long-term unsatisfactory outcomes may occur that affect a person’s lifestyle leading to dramatic consequences. Recent literature encourages orthodontists to know how to investigate OSA and the upper airway using questionnaires and radiography as screening tools before undergoing polysomnography.
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