PSU Intruder Technique to Intrude an Over-erupted Single Tooth: A Case Report

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Nattanan Wattanaanek
Teerapat Eksriwong


Most orthodontists are often challenged with single tooth over-eruption. The solution should focus only on specifically intruding the tooth and ensure it does not unexpectedly move the adjacent teeth. Various techniques of tooth intrusion are used mainly with an asymmetrical V-bend or temporary anchorage devices. These techniques clearly affect the adjacent teeth or result in soft tissue invasion.

This case report introduces an alternative single-tooth intrusion technique applied to the upper second molar. This technique is the so-called “PSU intruder technique that used a 0.016" × 0.022" beta titanium wire bent into a single helical loop with palatal positioned brackets. The patient in this case report had missing bilateral upper lateral incisors and the lower left first molar. Unfortunately, there was an interference at the palatal cusp of the upper left second molar during the finishing stage since this patient was treated during the growth stage. However, correct alignment of the upper left second molar was achieved with an acceptable occlusion, while the PSU intruder technique did not affect the adjacent teeth.

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How to Cite
Wattanaanek N, Eksriwong T. PSU Intruder Technique to Intrude an Over-erupted Single Tooth: A Case Report. Thai J Orthod [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 17 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];13(2):16-27. Available from:
Case Report


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