Aspartame and the risk of cancer


  • Thainsang Phansri Department of Research and Technology Assessment, National Cancer Institute.
  • Jarunya Ngamkham Department of Research and Technology Assessment, National Cancer Institute.
  • Suchanuch Ondee Department of Research and Technology Assessment, National Cancer Institute.
  • Kritika Boonmark Department of Research and Technology Assessment, National Cancer Institute.


aspartame, sweetener, low-calorie or no-calorie sugar substitute sweeteners, exposure


                       Aspartame is a non-calorie or low-calorie sweetener that is 150–200 times sweeter than sucrose. It can be decomposed aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol are commonly used as sweeteners in non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, ready-to-drink coffee, and cocoa mix is often used in the diet of people with health problems such as diabetes, obesity, or dietary weight control. It controls energy intake and does not affect blood sugar levels. But it should not be used in amounts exceeding the amount of substances that can be consumed without causing harm, as determined by The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the requirements of the Ministry of Public Health Announcement No. 389 B.E. 2018 regarding food additives (No. 5). In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) will classify aspartame as a substance that may cause humans cancer group 2B (IARC group 2B) based on information aspartame and risk of carcinogenicity, consumption has been found to increase weight and fat mass. Sweetener intake was associated with the risk of developing many types of cancer, such as leukemia lymphatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and obesity-related cancers in human. The results of this study found that aspartame increased the incidence of leukemia and lymphoma in rodents. It also changes the mRNA levels of cancer-causing genes, resulting in a higher risk of breast and prostate cancer. However, this information is a preliminary study. More studies should be conducted until clear information is obtained, including further studies on the population. (Thai Cancer J 2024;44:21-30)


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