Effectiveness and satisfaction of medical personnel, village health volunteer, and general group to obtaining knowledge about the exposure to carcinogens in daily life from video media.


  • Jaruphan Jumpasri National Cancer Institute, Thailand
  • Amornrut Joosawat National Cancer Institute, Thailand
  • Onsuda Padidpoo2 Padidpoo National Cancer Institute, Thailand
  • Paphawin Jamsri National Cancer Institute, Thailand
  • Sudthinee Thongjun National Cancer Institute, Thailand


video media, carcinogen, medical personnel


A major factors in the development of cancer come from lifestyle and environment. Educating the public about carcinogens and proper prevention methods may reduce cancer risk in the future. Therefore, the researcher team has prepared a video material titled “The carcinogens found in daily life” which contains a total of twelve carcinogens. The purpose is to study the quality of video media in order to develop it before being actually used. And to evaluate knowledge and understanding before and after watching video media. In addition, to study the needs of media formats and channels for obtaining information. The research method in this study was a quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. The results of the 355 subject, the mean score of after watching the video was 13.65 (S.D.=1.429) that was significantly higher than the mean score of before watching the video was 11.65 (S.D.=1.708) (P<0.05). Moreover, when dividing the sample according to their medical roles, it was found that the medical personnel had a knowledge measurement mean score higher than the other groups. The results of a study of video media quality satisfaction assessment consists of three parts, a video media format, an aspect of gaining understanding, and the adaptation and application. Their overall satisfaction was at the highest level. From the survey, we found that a video media was most required for obtaining cancer information in each age group. However, the demand for media channels of them was different. The data of two participant groups (12-30 years and 31-50 years) have the most demand for receiving information on Facebook, whereas other participant groups (51-70 years and >70 years) have the most demand for receiving information on TV channel. This study shows that our video media will be able to adapt for educating people. Furthermore, the knowledge provision should take into account the forms of media formats and channels in line with the needs of the public to an interested target group


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