Experience of cannabis in patients with palliative cancer


  • Thanamet Thaenkham Khon Kaen University
  • Bandit Chumworathay Khon Kaen University
  • Poochit Dabpookhiew Nonghan Hospital, Udonthani
  • Panida Pittayakittiwong Phon Hospital, Khon Kaen
  • Thanapon Srivong Sirindhorn Hospital, Khon Kaen
  • Sathita Ruengsiriphakakul Yangsisurat Hospital, Maha sarakham
  • Kanyapak Silarak PhraAchan Fan Ajaro Hospital, SakonNakhon
  • Wijitra Sena Khon Kaen University
  • Khachornsak Seevathee Donchan Hospital, Kalasin
  • Pattapong Kessomboon Khon Kaen University


experience of cannabis, medical cannabis, patients with palliative cancer


Pain is the most common clinical symptom that 90 percent of cancer patients experience. It is the primary factor that diminishes patients' quality of life. Patients with cancer are palliatively treated with opioids. Currently, the Thai government has enacted legislation to allow cannabis for medical use, but it has been found that most patients are receiving drugs from outside the public health system. Therefore, information on how cannabis can be used is limited. The study explored the experience of patients with palliative cancer who used cannabis. The study design was qualitative research. The data were collected using in-depth interviews of 20 patients with palliative cancer. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The study found that the patients aged between 27-74 years, and the mean age was 59.55 years, the onset of cancer was 8 months to 9 years, and the mean duration of illness was 2.31 years. The experience of cannabis use was divided into five main issues: 1.deciding to use cannabis as a last resort, seeing on the news that cannabis cures cancer, hearing/telling stories from others, studying information in textbooks and journals, and fear of dying, want to live without suffering, and want to live without worry 2. The forms of cannabis used were cannabis extract, cannabis oil, fresh cannabis and dried cannabis. 3. Sources of cannabis included hospitals, self-cultivation, self-bought and deposition by siblings/grandchildren /friends. 4..Methods for using cannabis included dropping under the tongue, eating, boiling, and smoking 5.Clinical outcomes of cannabis included improved sleep, eating more, relaxation, good mood, less pain, less anxiety, less tiredness, more energy, better health, better skin, and a fresher look. In conclusion, the experience of cannabis use in patients with palliative cancer was consistent in the positive direction, and patients want to continue using cannabis for cancer treatment. It is recommended that cancer patients be granted permission to grow cannabis for self-treatment due to its ease of access, affordability, safety, minimal side effects, and potential for improved health outcomes.


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Thanamet Thaenkham. The pain management experience of patients with palliative cancer using cannabis in the northeastern part of Thailand. International Journal of Engineering and Science 2023;13(7):34-40






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