Evaluation of the Program in Nursing Specialty in Oncology Nurse, National Cancer Institute


  • Premruedee Boonphattranon National Cancer Institute
  • Patcharee Sangthong Sangthong National Cancer Institute
  • Sujira Foongfaung Borommarajonani College of Nursing, Praboromrajchanok Institute


evaluation of the program, nursing specialty, oncology nurse


The purpose of this study was to evaluate specialized nursing courses. Cancer Nursing (revised curriculum B.E. 2015-2019) according to the CIPP Model. The samples were 201 certified oncology nurse in 2016-2019 and their supervisors. Data was collected using questionnaires developed by the researcher.together with the application of competency assessment in cancer nursing care, with reliability values of 0.86 and 0.83, respectively. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, and domain and content analysis were used to analyze qualitative data. The results showed that curriculum assessment in terms of course context was at the highest level. There is an opinion that the context of the curriculum was highest level (4.56+0.74), input (4.41+0.66), and process (4.39+0.73) was high level. In terms of productivity, the graduates had a high level of competency in nursing care for cancer patients in all 8 areas. and the commanding officer There is an opinion that the graduates had a high level of competency in nursing care for cancer patients in all 7 areas with the exception of clinical nursing practice, which was related at a moderate level. Applying knowledge to the management of the cancer care system and nursing practice The graduates can put their knowledge to use by integrating it into practice, providing care for cancer patients and their families, as well as using a network to provide for the patients. It was suggested to create a forum where the trainees may discuss their expertise, as well as their professional and academic accomplishments, in regard to caring for cancer patients. Able to broaden the body of knowledge given both domestically and internationally.


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