Efficacy of improvement procurement management in Targeted therapy National Cancer Institute of Thailand October 2016 - June 2019
Inventory management, efficacy, targeted therapyAbstract
The targeted therapy is the highest cost group of drug purchasing 22.92% (29.49 MBaht) from use Activity Based Costing (ABC) analysis with drug procurement data in 2017.The objective of this research was to compare the change in Key Performance indicators (KPIs) of drug procurement and inventory management after the policy has been applied. This is the Descriptive study designed using purchasing drug data at the National Cancer Institute of Thailand during the fiscal year 2017-2019. One Way ANOVA was used to describe the efficacy after the policies have been applied. After the policies have been applied in the fiscal year 2018-2019 overall cost remaining of targeted therapy, purchasing/dispensing cost, and inventory ratio have been decreased significantly from the baseline year 2017. The policies have been applied to the procurement of targeted therapy groups and the announcement of drug reference prices from the National Drug System Development committee. The cost of drug purchasing from Pharmaceutical companies was decreased over the fiscal year 2017-2019. In addition, the development of drug inventory in the hospital should be implemented for other high purchasing groups such as chemotherapy or Non-essential hepatitis groups. Furthermore, the drug selection policy should consider the extended expiration date. This policy will save the hospital’s budget and staff for solving this problem.
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บทความทีตีพิมพ์ในวารสารโรคมะเร็งนี้ถือว่าเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของมูลนิธิสถาบันมะเร็งแห่งชาติ และผลงานวิชาการหรือวิจัยของคณะผู้เขียน ไม่ใช่ความคิดเห็นของบรรณาธิการหรือผู้จัดทํา