Transformative Learning for Humanized Nursing Care Behavior of Nursing Students for Severe Psoriasis Patients


  • Kamolnicha Anan Phrapokklao Nursing College
  • Thanyaporn Bualuang Phrapokklao Nursing College
  • Yuree Chaopipat Phrapokklao Nursing College
  • Pimrat Tokun Phrapokklao Nursing College


Transformative learning, Humanized nursing care, Psoriasis patients, Nursing students


This study was the Qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to study the composition and procedure for transformative Learning for humanized nursing care behavior of nursing students. The participants were the 30 of third-year nursing students. These students were practiced to care the severe psoriasis disease. The data were collected by field notes, observe as participant, nursing practical behaviors, reflection writing of the students, nursing care conferences and Non-Structured interview about transformative learning affected of humanized health care behaviors. The analysis of data was using content analysis and examine the correction of core consistency analysis with the participants. The results showed there were the factors that affected the transformative learning for humanized nursing care. They consisted of: 1) The good role models in nursing practice were the important components of learning. 2) The humanized nursing care behaviors were affected by deep listening, perceive patients suffering, Don’t judge and bias for the patient behaviors, put yourself in their shoes, realizing the values of work and perception how it value to the others. Moreover, the creative activities were designed based on the understanding of patients’ problems. These activities led to humanized nursing care.



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How to Cite

Anan K, Bualuang T, Chaopipat Y, Tokun P. Transformative Learning for Humanized Nursing Care Behavior of Nursing Students for Severe Psoriasis Patients. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];23(1):237-46. available from:



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