Healthcare Personnel Safety and Tuberculosis


  • ศรินพันธ์ ผ่องพันธ์ Occupational medicine unit, Phayao Hospital, Phayao Province


healthcare personnel, tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis infection, control, health surveillance


     WHO End tuberculosis (TB) Strategy has been globally adopted. Thailand is one of TB burden countries. Risk of TB is higher in healthcare personnel due to occupational exposure of contaminated droplet nuclei. Asymptomatic latent TB infection may occur after exposure. Later, the infection may progress to symptomatic and communicable TB disease. Healthcare personnel can be either source or receiver of TB transmission. Disease control in healthcare setting is also involved in quality assurance. Measures can be respectively implemented at administrative, environmental and personal protective levels. Evaluation of the disease control is recommended. Health surveillance in personnel is a useful tool for monitoring.


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How to Cite

ผ่องพันธ์ ศ. Healthcare Personnel Safety and Tuberculosis. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];8(3):319-25. Available from:



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