Model Development of Elderly Care by Digital Health for Primary Care System in Urban Area, Ratchaburi Province
primary care system, digital health, elderly, urbanAbstract
Objectives: To study the situation and needs of elderly care using digital health in urban primary care system in Ratchaburi Province, develop and evaluate a care model. Methods: The four phases in this research and development study were analyzing the current situation and needs, developing a care model, evaluating the effectiveness of the model, and optimizing it. The sample included healthcare providers and elderly residing in Na Muang Subdistrict. Research tools consisted of interview guides, care manuals, care model, and questionnaires. Data was analyzed using content analysis, and Paired Samples t test. Results: The elderly individuals desired clear guidance and hands-on support for using digital health, ideally with simulated scenarios or assistance available when issues occurred. They also requested user manual, easily accessible devices in community, and efficient communication channels with healthcare staffs. The elderly care model using digital health consisted of five key components; service user (technology acceptance and competency), service provider (technology, coaching and administrative competencies), service delivery (online, onsite and community health station), technology (LINE Official Account, Hygge, and MorPrompt app.) and devices and supporters (smartphone, internet, care manuals, devices in community health station and health media). The results of this care model implementation indicated that healthcare accessibility among sample population significantly improved (0.51±0.61, 95% CI 0.31-0.70, P<0.001), along with a statistically significant increased in the use of digital health for self-care (1.16±0.95, 95% CI 0.85-1.46, P<0.001). Conclusions: The elderly healthcare model utilizing digital health in the urban primary healthcare system of Ratchaburi Province is practical and enhances access to primary healthcare services. Implementation recommendations emphasize adherence to the five key components; particularly focusing on hands-on elderly training, digital health care manual, administrative leader by physician, digital health coaching by nurse or public health officer and community health station.
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