The Relationship of Obesity Indices with Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


  • Anchana Maneengam Samphran Hospital Nakhon Pathom Province


metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, obesity index


Objective: To compare the prevalence and identify the optimal cutoff values of obesity indices related to metabolic syndrome in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) between males and females. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical research collected data from T2DM patients diagnosed at Sam Phran Hospital. The study examined obesity indices in T2DM patients receiving annual check-ups between December 2023 and March 2024. A sample size of 448 was calculated, consisting of 224 males and 224 females. Data were collected using general questionnaires and laboratory results to determine obesity indices. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including independent t-test, Chi-square test or Fisher exact test and optimal cutoff values were determined using diagnostic tests to present sensitivity, specificity and the area under the ROC curve. Results: Among 224 male T2DM patients, 112 (50.00%) had metabolic syndrome (Mets), and among 224 female T2DM patients, 106 (47.32%) had metabolic syndrome (Mets). The obesity indices associated with metabolic syndrome in both genders are Lipid Accumulation Product (LAP): Males: Cut-off value of 38.22, sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 66%, ROC curve of 0.75 Females: Cut-off value of 52.74, sensitivity of 75%, specificity of 75%, ROC curve of 0.75, Triglyceride - Glucose Index (TyG index): Males: Cut-off value of 9.125, sensitivity of 79%, specificity of 84%, ROC curve of 0.81 Females: Cut-off value of 9.155, sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 81%, ROC curve of 0.81, Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI): Males: Cut-off value of 3.82, sensitivity of 83%, specificity of 81%, ROC curve of 0.82 Females: Cut-off value of 5.54, sensitivity of 79%, specificity of 86%, ROC curve of 0.83 Conclusion: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in male T2DM patients is 50% and 47.32% in female T2DM patients. The obesity indices related to metabolic syndrome include the LAP, TyG index, and VAI.


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How to Cite

Maneengam A. The Relationship of Obesity Indices with Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . JPMAT [internet]. 2024 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];14(3):484-98. available from: