Developing a Health Service Network for Homebound and Bedridden Older People


  • Orapan Prompa Nongkhayang Hospital, Uthai Thani
  • Ajcharapan Kayadee Boromarajonani College of Nursing, chainat


health service network system, elderly, homebound, bedridden


Objective: To develop a health service network system for the elderly, homebound, and bedridden patients in Nongkhayang District, Uthai Thani Province. The secondary objectives are to study the current situation and problems, develop the system, and evaluate the health service network system for these groups of elderly patients. Methods: This study aimed to develop a health service network for homebound and bedridden older people, focusing on the care model for head injury patients undergoing cranial surgery. Using action and operational research with the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, the study involved collaborative planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement across three phases: Preparation, Implementation, and Evaluation, from August to December 2023. Results: Phase 1 (Preparation) revealed that older people, mainly females aged 85-94, required daily assistance despite stable health indicators, with caregivers, primarily grandchildren, lacking sufficient knowledge in elderly care. Phase 2 (Implementation) The model development resulted in 5 activity plans. Post-implementation, the user group showed significantly increased knowledge about elderly care, personal motivation for caregiving, and social support compared to pre-implementation (p < .05) in all aspects. Phase 3 (Evaluation) indicated high user satisfaction with the collaborative model, particularly in home visit services. Conclusion: The study concluded that most homebound and bedridden older people had chronic diseases requiring continuous care, highlighting the need to strengthen community health volunteers' roles and foster collaboration among healthcare personnel, families, and communities to enhance the quality of life for these older people


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How to Cite

Prompa O, Kayadee A. Developing a Health Service Network for Homebound and Bedridden Older People . JPMAT [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(2):291-303. Available from:



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