Factors Associated with Medical Checkup among Patients of Family Medicine Department of Lerdsin Hospital


  • Samitra Kleebbubpha Department of Family Medicine, Lerdsin Hospital, Bangkok


medical checkup, periodic examination, health promotion


Objective: To determine the factors associated with medical checkup among patients of Family Medicine Department, Lerdsin Hospital. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analytical study that focused on individuals aged 18-60 years who visited the out-patient Family Medicine Department of Lerdsin Hospital, Thailand. Data were collected between March 1st to May 31st, 2023 by using questionnaire which comprising basic sample information and a 20-items health perception questionnaire. The descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, multivariate analysis and logistic regression analysis were performed, with gender, age, occupation, income, education level, history of family illness and health perception as independent variable and having medical checkup as dependent variable. Results: The total of 857 participants, 536 (62.5%) were female, with an average age of 39.59±12.81 years. Most participants (75.02%) have previous medical checkups annually, females (63.9%), aged 51-60 years (29.1%), company employee (41.1%), low income (less than 15,000 baht) (29.7%), Bachelor's Degree (57.7%) and moderate health perception. Those who are gender female (OR=1.438, 95%CI=1.017-2.033, p=0.040), age 51-60 yrs (OR=3.264, 95%CI= 1.357-7.847, p=0.008) and high income (more than 50,000 baht) (OR=6.786, 95%CI= 1.953-23.580, p=0.003) were factors associated with medical checkup significantly. Conclusions: This study concluded that female, older, and high-income individuals tend to more undergo medical checkup. Therefore, health system or medical services should emphasize on health promotion and health prevention, providing accurate and comprehensive appropriate information about medical checkup for all recipients, regardless of gender or age, while addressing financial constraints in accessing medical checkup service.


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How to Cite

Kleebbubpha S. Factors Associated with Medical Checkup among Patients of Family Medicine Department of Lerdsin Hospital . JPMAT [internet]. 2024 Apr. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];14(1):175-88. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/267908



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