Prevalence and Predictive Factors of Postpartum Depression in Chumphae Hospital, Khon Kaen
depression, postpartum depression, postpartum mothersAbstract
Objective: To study the prevalence of postpartum depression, and factors that can predict postpartum depression among postpartum mothers in Chumphae Hospital, Khon Kaen. Methods: This is cross-sectional analytical research. The samples were purposively selected to recruit 306 postpartum mothers within 48-72 hours after giving birth, who gave birth at Chumphae Hospital, Khon Kaen Province, between July and October 2023. The tools used were a general information questionnaire, Stress Test Questionnaire (ST5), and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS≥11), which are standard assessments of the Ministry of Public Health, used in maternal and infant health records. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of ST5 in this study was .81, and EPDS was .75. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and statistical analysis chi-square and binary logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of postpartum depression was found to be 8.5%. Factors that predict postpartum maternal depression, there are mental health problems (ORadj=44.18, p<0.001), had postpartum complications (ORadj=7.34, p=0.014), planned to breastfeed for less than 6 months (ORadj=8.34, p<0.001), and had a birth weight less than 2,500 grams (ORadj=10.08, p<0.001), and explained 33.9% of the variation in postpartum maternal depression (R2=0.339, p<0.001). Conclusions: This study found that the prevalence of depression in the 48-72 hours after birth was quite high. There are the factors of mental health problems, postpartum complications, plan for breastfeeding, and newborn baby weight, which can explain variations in postpartum depression. Therefore, every mother should be assessed for postpartum depression before discharge, to provide mothers with prompt care and assistance, and to prevent, and monitor the occurrence of postpartum depression.
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