Effectiveness of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Prevention of Hypothermia in the Patient Under Spinal Anesthesia


  • Pissamai Reunthana Anesthesiology Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital
  • Chawee Suksumit Anesthesiology Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital
  • Kittiphong Khaongoenyoung Anesthesiology Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital
  • Nuchjaree Ngeanmak Anesthesiology Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital
  • Chattip Yingyong Anesthesiology Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital
  • Piraluk Laplai Research and Development of Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital
  • Supawadee Supboon Anesthesiology Nursing Division, Pha NaKhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital


clinical nursing practice guidelines, hypothermia, Barkey S-line, spinal anesthesia


Objectives: To examine the effectiveness of the clinical nursing practice guidelines for prevention of hypothermia in the patient under spinal anesthesia CVLU patients nursing care model. Methods: This Quasi experimental research design. The participants were recruited for assessing the patient under spinal anesthesia; 30 undergoing traditional standard, 31 undergoing traditional standard and barkey S-line, and 36 undergoing traditional standard and clinical nursing practice guidelines and warmer bag. The patients were recruited by purposive sampling. The research instruments consisted of: 1) the experimental instruments was the clinical nursing practice guideline; and 2) the instruments for collecting data including personal information questionnaire, anesthesia record form, and temperature record form. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and One-way non-parametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test) Results: The results revealed that the core-temperature of the patient under spinal anesthesia on 20 minute, 60 minute, and 60 minute at recovery room was prevent significantly after the traditional standard and clinical nursing practice guidelines and warmer bag finished than other groups. Conclusions: The patient under spinal anesthesia received traditional standard and clinical nursing practice guidelines and a warmer bag for the prevention of hypothermia.


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How to Cite

Reunthana P, Suksumit C, Khaongoenyoung K, Ngeanmak N, Yingyong C, Laplai P, Supboon S. Effectiveness of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Prevention of Hypothermia in the Patient Under Spinal Anesthesia . JPMAT [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];13(3):102-18. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/266058



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