Develoment of Caring System for Emergency Psychiatric Patients in Phayuha Khiri District's Community, Nakhon Swan Province


  • Siripun Chompoopoo Phayuha Khiri Hospital, Nakhon Sawan Province


emergency psychiatry, mental health, referral psychiatric patients


Objective: To develop an emergency psychiatric care system model in Phayuha Khiri District's community, Nakhon Sawan Province. Methods: This research is  action research the sample  was divided into 2 groups: Group 1 represents persons who involve emergency psychiatric patients' caring  including 11 relatives, 13 Phayuha Khiri hospital staffs, 2 police officers, 8 rescue workers, 8 public health volunteers or community leaders, 8 subdistrict health promotion hospital nurses. Group 2 includes 13 policy administrators such as persons responsible for provincial mental health work, head of network partners in Phayuha Khiri District and heads of related departments. Data were collected between July 2022 – November 2022, data collection using the interview and focus group  research tools were structured interviews form about emergency psychiatric care system, satisfaction assessment form, group discussion issues. Data analysis by using frequency, percentage,  mean, standard deviation and content analysis. Results: The caring system for emergency psychiatric patients in the community  of Phayuha Khiri District was divided into 3 periods of care which included the period without incident, during the incident, after the incident. In terms of satisfaction, the satisfaction with the overall service was at a high level (x̄ = 3.93, S.D. = .417). The most satified item was speeds of service after an incident was reported. (x̄ = 4.09, S.D. = .576), next in order was  hospitable, attitude and service behaviors (x̄ = 4.00, S.D.= .732). The aspect with the lowest mean was referral procedure, that was from receiving patients to treatment and referral (x̄ = 3.68, S.D. = .572). Conclusion: The developed guideline for emergency psychiatric care in community of Phayuha Khiri District  can be applied in practice. Collecting additional information is necessary for getting data to develop a more complete care system in the future.


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How to Cite

Chompoopoo S. Develoment of Caring System for Emergency Psychiatric Patients in Phayuha Khiri District’s Community, Nakhon Swan Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];13(3):119-34. Available from:



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