Dental Care in Diabetics Patients in the Epidemic Situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


  • Nantaporn Ruenpol Ayutthaya Provincial Health Office


diabetics patients, COVID-19, dental care, COVID free setting


The purpose of this study is to analyse the association of the dental care in Diabetics patients in the epidemic situation of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 2021 and 2022 in Ayutthaya province from Health Data Center (HDC) Ministry of Public Health. Study design was cohort study. Data collection was from 33,555 Diabetics patients in Ayutthaya province who received and did not received dental care in 2021 and who received and did not receive dental care again in 2022. Diabetics patients were divided by sex age and glycemic control. The data analysis of descriptive statistics involved frequency percentage and analytic statistics by Chi-square test. The overall results were analyzed on Multivariate analysis from Binary Logistic Regression. In conclusion, the result indicates that Diabetics patients who received dental care in Ayutthaya in 2021, in the next year diabetics patients with over 60 years old tend to receive dental care again. The ratio of diabetics patients with over 60 years old who received dental care is more 1.585 times (ORadj = 1.585, 95% CI = 1.439-1.745) compared to those with diabetics patients with under 60 years old. In diabetics patients who did not receive dental care in Ayutthaya in 2021, in the next year diabetics patients with over 60 years old tend to receive dental care. The ratio  of  diabetics patients with over 60 years old who received dental care is more 1.430 times (ORadj = 1.430, 95% CI = 1.316-1.553) compared to those with diabetics patients with under 60 years old, and diabetics patients with controlled glycemic results tend to receive dental care. The ratio of Diabetics patients with controlled glycemic results who received dental care is more 1.301 times (ORadj = 1.301, 95% CI = 1.206-1.403) compared to those with diabetics patients with uncontrolled glycemic results.


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How to Cite

Ruenpol N. Dental Care in Diabetics Patients in the Epidemic Situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). JPMAT [Internet]. 2023 May 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(1):205-16. Available from:



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