Effects of Networks Development for Mental Health Care in COVID-19 Survivors under the Cooperative Mechanism of the District Health Board in Samut Sakhon Province


  • santi laownipon Krathum Baen District Public Health Office, Samut Sakhon Province


Networks Development, COVID-19 Survivors, District Health Board


This study aimed to study the effects of networks development of mental health care for COVID-19 survivors under the cooperative mechanism of the District Health Board (DHB) in Samut Sakhon Province. Analytical evaluation research with CIPP model was conducted between September 2020–September 2021. Three sample groups included: 208 health personnel, 382 local networks, 204 post-COVID-19 patients. The tools used in the study were a Health personnel questionnaire, a local network participation questionnaire, and a post-COVID-19 psychological care outcomes questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentages, means, standard deviation, the multiple linear regression and content analysis.

The results were as follow: 1) Context-input analysis of DHB's cooperation mechanism revealed a high level of cooperation. The highest score was development of care services for patients after COVID-19, hospitals (mean=4.09, SD=0.54). 2) Process improvement were actions to solve mental health problems by building a care network for patients after COVID-19 found that the local network (Executives of local government organizations, community leaders and village health volunteers), Participation in high-level post-COVID-19mental care, most in fulfilling roles (mean=4.32, SD=0.49). 3) evaluation of results Product-output after development. The most stressful states were less concentrated (mean= 1.43, SD=0.65). The most depressive episodes were feeling bad, thinking of themselves as a failure or disappointing their family (mean= 2.25, SD=1.25). Factors affecting the overall quality of life of patients after COVID-19 that statistically significant at the 0.05 level and could predicted the overall quality of life of patients after COVID-19 by 58% (constant B= 4.619, adj.R2= 0.588, p<0.001). The factors were psychological, environmental, income, social, physical health, depression and stress, respectively.

Conclusion: after developing a network for Mental Health Care in COVID-19 Survivors under the Cooperative Mechanism of DHB, resulting in post-COVID-19 patients in a good overall quality of life.


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How to Cite

laownipon santi. Effects of Networks Development for Mental Health Care in COVID-19 Survivors under the Cooperative Mechanism of the District Health Board in Samut Sakhon Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(2):250-67. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/257026



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