Development of Health Care Services System for Treatment of Patients Infected with Coronavirus 2019 in the Context of Community Hospital


  • Pakpoom Inmuong Yangsisurach Hospital, Yangsisurach District, Mahasarakham Province
  • Kanjana Chanthanuy Yangsisurach Hospital, Yangsisurach District, Mahasarakham Province


health care service, patient with corona virus 2019, community hospital


This action research aimed to develop and evaluate health care services system for treatment of patients infected with coronavirus 2019 in Yangsisurat hospital, Mahasarakham Province. The adopted health care services system was developed by multidisciplinary team by application of the WHO’s Six Building Blocks of A Health System principle. The research activities were implemented during February 2021-April 2022. Evaluation of the outcomes of the health care system in the cohort ward, field hospital, home isolation with a total of 2,031 cases. Analyses of data using descriptive statistics; counts, percentage, qualitative data applied content analysis. The study results found the developed health care service system for treatment of patients with coronavirus 2019 Including 1) organizing the health care system driven by the committee implementation, place-base management following the standard infection precaution control, arrangement of support system of resources and medical supplies, 2) effective patient treatment system with case management and project manager, linking and inter-collaboration with the covid 19 control center, making CPG ready for treatment classification for severity of illness, organizing patient care system starting from admission, treatment, follow-up, referral, and using medical information technology to support patient care 3) building capacity of human resources of each discipline and personal practice in preventing covid 2019 virus infection, including rotating staff. The evaluation results found; the 1st and 2nd operations achievements found 1) CW cases were treated and discharged with 93.33%, 92.75%, having worse clinical status with 6.67%,7.25%,referring cases to mid-level hospital with 100%,100% 2) Patients of field hospital completed treatment and discharged with 96.92%,98.25%, having worse clinical status with 3.08%,1.75%, and moved in CW with 100%, 100%, 3) the patients with HI could be discharged after completed treatment with 99.09%, having worse clinical status with 0.80%, move to field hospital/CW with 100%

In conclusion, the adoption of health care service system for treatment of patient with covid 2019 infection which developed by multidisciplinary team and applying the Six Building Blocks of A Health System, this system could effectively be responsive to the need of people with illness and with sufficient budget allocation and medical resources, resulting in rapidly and easy access of patients to health care services with treatment suitable to severity of illness.


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How to Cite

Inmuong P, Chanthanuy K. Development of Health Care Services System for Treatment of Patients Infected with Coronavirus 2019 in the Context of Community Hospital. JPMAT [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(2):230-49. Available from:



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