The Development of Public Health Emergency Management Strategies for Disease Control and Prevention of Coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao Province


  • Chanlaykha Kullavanijaya Chachoengsao Provincial Public Health Office.


Management Strategies, Public Health Emergency, Coronavirus 2019


The Development of Public Health Emergency Management  Strategies   for  Disease Control and Prevention of Coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao Province. It was research and development  study. The purpose of this research was to readiness  of   public health emergency operation center for disease control and prevention of coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao province, to development for public health emergency management  strategies and   evaluate for public health emergency management  strategies  for disease control and prevention of coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao province. The sample size consisted of  board of public health emergency operation center by multistage sampling and those responsible for the prevention and control of communicable diseases at district and sub-district levels.  The tools used were questionnaires and interview forms and collect data by survey, interviews and group discussions. Quantitative data were analyzed using preliminary statistics and qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis. The study results was 1) the readiness of public health emergency operation center for  disease control and prevention of coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao  province was at the limited level of performance and training exercise & evaluation was at the underperform. 2) The development  for  public health emergency management  strategies  consisted  of  3 main, 7 minor strategies and 12 practices.  3) The evaluate for public health emergency management  strategies  for  disease control and prevention of coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao  province in overall, the level of practice was at a very high level. The environmental factors, it was found that they were very consistent with the policy and demand conditions. . The import factor, the management process and productivity, it was found that, the level of practice was at a high level in overall. Therefore, the results of the study can be used to improve emergency response management in other areas. to cover for the most efficient management operation.


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How to Cite

Kullavanijaya C. The Development of Public Health Emergency Management Strategies for Disease Control and Prevention of Coronavirus 2019, Chachoengsao Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 7 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):218-3. Available from:



Research Article