The Results of Development Guideline of Antenatal Care for Knowledge and Anemia in Pregnancy Women at Chumphae Hospital Antenatal Care Clinic


  • sangdaun kingkoiklang Chumphae Hospital, Khon Kaen Province.


anemia, pregnancy, hematocrit


Background: Anemia in pregnancy at 32 weeks is a common problem which was found more than 10 percent per year at Antenatal Care Clinic, Chumphae Hospital. To solve this problem, a guideline for antenatal care was needed to develop. Methods: The action research was done to develop a guideline. The study process was between April 1st , 2019- March 31st, 2020 in pregnant women at Chumphae Hospital antenatal care clinic which consisted of three steps : 1) Analyze the situation 2) Planning new criteria for Hct at 20-24 weeks was increased from < 35% to < 37% and was checked again at 32 weeks teaching knowledge by flip images. All of the pregnants at the first antenatal care (ANC) visit, received group teachings about anemia in pregnancy and prevention and the teachings were repeated in each visits. 3) Operating and Evaluation. The pre-test and post-test scores were collected. The data of attitude and preventive practices were collected using questionnaires at 32 weeks. Results: From 309 pregnant women, 99 women had Hct checking 3 times means age = 25.78 year, the majority was general employee, low income, high school level of education, second pregnancy and 55.6% had the first ANC before 12 weeks. When comparing knowledge about prevention of anemia in pregnancy by using pre-test and post-test score, the results showed a statistical significant difference (p< 0.001). The score of attitude to prevent anemia were highest and the correct and regular practice scores were high. The new program increased the detection of anemia and then treatment and education decreased anemia by 7 times when compared to old practice at 32 weeks (95% CI 2.4-27.5) (p = <0.001). Conclusions: The development of new program for antenatal care better solved anemia in pregnancy and could be applied in the context of community hospital by revised criteria for Hct checking at <37% for the first antenatal care (ANC) visit.


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How to Cite

kingkoiklang sangdaun. The Results of Development Guideline of Antenatal Care for Knowledge and Anemia in Pregnancy Women at Chumphae Hospital Antenatal Care Clinic. JPMAT [internet]. 2021 Sep. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11(2):345-69. available from:



Research Article