Case study of return to work management in a patient with dysthymia


  • Radaporn Subongkot Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University
  • Ratana Jirakalvisan Department of Occupational Medicine, Hatyai Hospital
  • Wasawat Tinpang-nga Department of Psychiatric, Hatyai Hospital


Return to work management, Dysthymia, Risk, Capacity, Tolerance


At present, mental health problems in working-age people tend to increase steadily. It is considered major public health problems worldwide including Thailand. Therefore, providing effective cares for working-age people with mental health problems or psychiatric disorders is inevitably essential. As a result, this study aims to raise awareness of the importance of caring for patients with psychiatric disorders to be able to return to work properly and safely. The study was conducted with a 47-year-old Scottish male patient who was a technical supervisor at an offshore drilling company. The patient suffered from dysthymia and went to a hospital in Songkhla Province for treatment. The illness affected the work of the patient due to he had to take days off for a period of up to 11 months. So it was necessary to receive a return to work assessment. The procedures of this assessment conducted with the patient were collecting information by checking background of the illness, job characteristics, physical examination, mental status examination and the history of medical records obtained from the medical record to be to assessed according to the principles of return to work management, which consisted of assessments of risk, capacity, and tolerance according to the proposal specified by the American Medical Association. This patient received the medical care and had the opportunity to return to work safely and efficiently. The evaluation and care of patients before returning to work were one of important health services which is necessary to obtain cooperation from many parties from both the medical department conducting treatment, Occupational medicine doctors, employers, human resources department of establishments, patient's relatives and the patient himself.


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How to Cite

Subongkot R, Jirakalvisan R, Tinpang-nga W. Case study of return to work management in a patient with dysthymia. JPMAT [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):465-78. Available from:



Case Report