Factors Affecting the Success of Pulmonary Tuberculosis treatment in Latyao Hospital, Nakhon Sawan Province


  • Jeerapa Phophrom Latyao Hospital, Nakhon Sawan Province.
  • ๋Jain Weraphong Maepurn Public Health District Office, Nakhon Sawan Province.


Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Success, Treatment


Success rate of the Pulmonary Tuberculosis case is a long-time crucial problem worldwide. Caused by various threat factors in the curative processes. Affected to more drug resistant strain. Latyao hospital has reviewed the health care service based on the other factors out of medical care services. Then the success rate is higher than the National average rate. This study aimed to explore the factors affecting the success of Pulmonary Tuberculosis treatment in Latyao hospital, Nakhon Sawan. This was an analytical study by using a case-control study with medical record review technique. Samples were pulmonary Tuberculosis patients registered and also used medical services at Latyao hospital during 2017 - 2020, there were 50 cases in total (25 were all failure cases and another 25 were cluster random sampling from success cases list). The interviewing form was developed by the researcher. The content validity was proved by 3 experts, reliability was tested with Cronbach's alpha coefficient the result was equal to 0.97. SPSS 19 was a computer program used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics consist of frequency mean percentage and standard deviations, used for analyses of the population's characteristics, socio-economic and treatment factors. Fisher’s exact test, Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence Interval by using Logistics Regression Analysis. The study found that 6 factors affecting the success of TB treatment, there were using health care facilities (OR 4.04, p-valve = 0.04 ), problem and barriers for drug used to treatment (OR 5.76, p-valve = 0.001), treatment periods (OR 9.33, p-valve = 0.001), knowledge level (OR 0.25, p-valve = 0.04), treatment cooperation (OR 54.6, p-valve =0.001), and unwanted conditions (OR 1.83, p-valve = 0.001). Therefore, the health care systems should provide a more accessible facility, fulfill the knowledge to new cases, mentor and also communities. Provide the tracing systems for patients who stop the medication for more success in treatment within period of treatment plan.


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How to Cite

Phophrom J, Weraphong ๋. Factors Affecting the Success of Pulmonary Tuberculosis treatment in Latyao Hospital, Nakhon Sawan Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 8 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):290-305. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/247641



Research Article