The Development of Caring Pattern for Tuberculosis Pattern through Participation of Health Volunteers


  • Srisurang Doungprasert Nakhon Nayok Provincial Public Health Office.


develop model; pulmonary tuberculosis, participation, village health volunteers


This action research objective is to analyze the situation of patient care. Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Nakhon Nayok Province Develop a model of care for pulmonary tuberculosis with participation of village health volunteers and assess the results Using the conceptual framework, the theory of behavior modification of Greens and teachers and the techniques of participatory planning, AIC has 5 steps. Create an action plan 2) follow the action plan 3) Supervision and follow-up 4) Review the action plan and conclude the results 5) Evaluation A total of 68 study participants collected data from March to May 2020 and analyzed the quantitative data using descriptive statistics. The qualitative data were analyzed by content. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The village health volunteers had insufficient knowledge. There are no guidelines for the care of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis have no knowledge. Improper conduct, there is no protection and the environment in the house is unsuitable. 2. Model of care for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with the participation of village health volunteers developed from the research, namely TB CARE MODEL 1) T=Training Village Health Volunteers 2) B = Basic Agreement care for the patient 3) C = Care for the patient 4) A =  Adjustment of patient attitude 5) R = Risk Prevention and identification of risk groups 6) E =  Environmental adjustment 3. Evaluation found that the village health volunteers had knowledge in taking care of the sick. Tuberculosis increased Patients are supervised and directed to take all medications every day, and the patients were satisfied with the care received.


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How to Cite

Doungprasert S. The Development of Caring Pattern for Tuberculosis Pattern through Participation of Health Volunteers . JPMAT [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];10(3):522-34. Available from:



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