Development of Practice Guideline for Tuberculosis Control in Community of Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province.


  • Chanlaykha kullavanijaya Mueang Chachoengsao District Public health Office.
  • Yuphin Hongwachin Chachoengsao Provincial Public Health Office.


Practice guideline, Tuberculosis control


This study is an action research which aims to analyze situation and to develop an appropriate guideline of caring and controlling for tuberculosis in Mueang district, Chachoengsao province. The research was examined with related people including 11 tuberculosis controlling staffs for district and sub district, 10 tuberculosis patients, 10 health care providers and 19 community healthcare volunteers. The data was collected by interview, group discussion, non-participated observation, note of patient record and operator report by staffs. The process of research was divided into 4 phases. First was to study situation and analyze problem. Second was to plan and decide the way for solving problem then made the tuberculosis caring and controlling guideline. Next was to implement the guideline and showed its outcome. Fourth was to evaluate the process and the outcome. Besides, quantitative information was analyzed to obtain frequency and percentage, and qualitative information was analyzed to obtain content.

        From the study, it revealed that: 1.The clinic service system was unclear, 2. Most of staffs at public health center were not being trained for the Directly Observed Treatment. 3. The cooperation for tuberculosis curing continually between tuberculosis clinic and the public health center was too slow. 4. Tubercular visiting home did not have clearly practical way. 5. The tuberculosis patient and health care provider did not have enough knowledge and awareness and some of tuberculosis patients did not receive such visiting as they did not want other people know about their diseased. The guidelines for caring and controlling tuberculosis are as follow 1. A guideline for patient information referral 2. A guideline for searching tuberculosis patients for staffs and healthcare volunteer that can use as a tool for searching new tuberculosis patients from risk group. 3. A guideline for tubercular protection that highlight patients and health care provider on following up treatment by due. 4. A guideline for treatment tuberculosis patients with standard of the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) found that the selection for health care provider is together decided by staffs and tuberculosis patient. 5. Tubercular visiting home show that patients have more understand in curing tuberculosis. Moreover, related staffs making guideline for controlling tuberculosis then implement it had been increasing their interested in tuberculosis controlling work. In conclusion, from the study tuberculosis patients were be cured continually.


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How to Cite

kullavanijaya C, Hongwachin Y. Development of Practice Guideline for Tuberculosis Control in Community of Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];10(3):491-508. Available from:



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