The Development of Care Management Model for Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients in Bangrajun District, Sing Buri Province


  • Jintana boonporn Medical Physician, Senior Professional level. Dip.Diagnostic Radiology. Bangrachan Hospital


care management model, diabetic and hypertensive patients, action research


     This participatory action research was aimed; 1) to study the self-management situation of diabetic and hypertensive patients, 2) to develop care management model for diabetic and hypertensive patients, and 3) to study the effectiveness of care management model for diabetic and hypertensive patients in Bangrajun district, Sing Buri province. This study was divided into four phases, as follows: Phase I: self-management situation; Phase II: care management model development; Phase III: model implementation; and Phase IV: model evaluation . The sample was consisted of 1) 369 diabetic and hypertensive patients selected by purposive sampling, and 2) 8 registered nurses who work in chronic disease clinic of Bangrajun hospital and district health promotion hospital selected by purposive sampling. The research instrument for quantitative data was self-management questionnaire of both diabetic and hypertensive patients, diabetic patients, and hypertensive patients which had reliability .80, .75 and .78, respectively. The research instrument for qualitative data was interview and focus group. The quantitative data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and the qualitative data were analyzed to identify themes, patterns and relationships. The results revealed that;

          1) The overall of self-management in complication prevention of both diabetic and hypertensive patients, diabetic patients, and hypertensive patients had high level, and care management for diabetic and hypertensive patients consisted of three factors, as follows; (1) care management process, (2) patient self-management, and (3) innovation related self-regulation.

          2) The care management model for diabetic and hypertensive patients had (1) decreased congestion of hospital into home healthcare unit, (2) low-risk patient screening criteria into district health promotion hospital, (3) patient care with self-management, and (4) home visiting.

          3) The evaluation from the interview with registered nurses in care management model found that clients had satisfaction in care guideline, special care, and save costs, and also found that patients could control the blood pressure levels with 87.5% and control the blood sugar levels with 100%


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How to Cite

boonporn J. The Development of Care Management Model for Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients in Bangrajun District, Sing Buri Province. JPMAT [internet]. 2020 Sep. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];10(2):322-40. available from:



Research Article