Evaluation of health program and chronic kidney disease’s handbook at chronic kidney disease (CKD) clinic, Muaklek hospital, Saraburi province


  • Wasini Mekvitoon Muaklek hospital, Saraburi Provincial Health Office


chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient, health program, chronic kidney disease’s handbook


     This quasi-experimental research aimed to evaluate the health program and the patients' handbook of chronic kidney disease (CKD) clinic of Muaklek hospital, Saraburi province in 2019. Subjects in the experimental group were 60 CKD patients at CKD clinic of Muaklek hospital, Saraburi province who met criteria. Subjects in the control group were 42 CKD patients receiving the standard treatment at Sap Sanun health promoting hospital, ChalermPhrakiat health promoting hospital and Lam Sompung health promoting hospital, Muaklek district, Saraburi province. Data were analyzed by Independent t-test, Chi square test, Fisher’s exact test and Paired t-test. A total of 102 patients, 60 patients in the experimental group and 42 patients in the control group were participated participated in this study. 37 patients (36.3%) were male and 65 patients (63.7%) were female. The average age was 72.44±9.88 years.  After the third month of study, the average GFR level (26.03±9.92 ml/min/1.73 m2) of the experimental group was higher than the GFR level prior to the study (24.42±9.25 ml/min/1.73 m2) with statistical significance (p 0.012). The average GFR level (36.36±6.49 ml/min/1.73 m2) of the control group was lesser than the GFR level prior to the study (39.74±6.60 ml/min/1.73 m2) with statistical significance (p<0.001). When assessing changes in glomerular filtration rate, the number of patients with increased GFR levels were 46 patients (76.7%) in the experimental group and 13 patients (31.0%) in the control group with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). In conclusion, the health program and the patients' handbook of chronic kidney disease (CKD) clinic of Muaklek Hospital, Saraburi province showed statistically significant increasing of the GFR level after the third month of the intervention. Therefore, applying the model continuously, expanding to other Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals and improving of the health program and the patients' handbook are suggested.


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How to Cite

Mekvitoon W. Evaluation of health program and chronic kidney disease’s handbook at chronic kidney disease (CKD) clinic, Muaklek hospital, Saraburi province. JPMAT [internet]. 2020 Sep. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];10(2):228-39. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/244994



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