The Effects of Sexual Behavior Prevention and Pregnancy Prevention Program for Secondary School Students


  • อ่อนนุช หมวดคูณ Angthong Provincial Public Health officer.
  • วันเพ็ญ ช้างเชื้อ Angthong Provincial Public Health officer.


preventive sexual, preventive pregnancy, secondary school students


     Teenage pregnancy affects both the mother and the baby. Quasi-Experimental Research were used to measure the Pretest-Posttest two groups. The purpose was to compare the results of changing knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and preventive sexual behavior and pregnancy between the experimental groups (Participated in the Sexual
Behavior Prevention and Pregnancy Prevention Program for Secondary School Students) and the comparative groups (Not participated in the Sexual Behavior Prevention and Pregnancy Prevention Program for Secondary School Students) pretest-posttest groups. The study consisted of 60 students in the first year of secondary school, Angthong Province, divided into 30 students in each group. The research methodology consisted of program for promoting preventive sexual behavior and pregnancy, and questionnaire consisting of general information, knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and preventive sexual behavior and pregnancy. Data were collected between 1 February 2019 and 8 March 2019. Data were analyzed as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Data were compared
difference between groups with Chi-square test and Independent sample t-test and compared the pretest and posttest data between groups and within group with Independent sample t-test and Paired sample t-test with statistical significance of 0.05. The research found that after the experiment, the experimental group had an average score of knowledge and attitude towards sexual prevention and pregnancy higher than before the experiment and the comparative group with statistical significance. Self-efficacy and preventive sexual behavior and pregnancy between the experimental group and the comparative group before and after the experiment were no different. It is shown that organizing activities according to the program for promoting preventive sexual behavior and pregnancy has an effect on knowledge and attitude, but does not affect their self-efficacy and preventive sexual behavior and pregnancy. Therefore, we should increase the duration of the activities and adjust the activities that lead to self-efficacy and appropriate behavior


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How to Cite

หมวดคูณ อ, ช้างเชื้อ ว. The Effects of Sexual Behavior Prevention and Pregnancy Prevention Program for Secondary School Students. JPMAT [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(3):378-89. Available from:



Original Article