Burden of Work-Related Low Back Pain in Thailand, 2017


  • จิรฉัตร ตั้งเจริญสมุทร Occupational and environmental medicine center, Nopprarat Rajathanee Hospital
  • อรพรรณ ชัยมณี Occupational and environmental medicine center, Nopprarat Rajathanee Hospital
  • วรรณา จงจิตรไพศาล Occupational and environmental medicine center, Nopprarat Rajathanee Hospital


burden of disease, disability-adjusted life years, work-related low back pain


     Disease burden is a tool used to report and compare the importance of health problems. Back pain is the number one cause of disability. This study examined the burden of the disease by reporting in the form of population attributable fraction (PAF) and disabilityadjusted life years (DALYs) of work-related low back pain. By being a cross-sectional descriptive study use secondary data from patients aged 15-65 years diagnosed with lower back pain and work-related low back pain nationwide from January 1-31 December 2017 and analyzed by percentage, PAF and DALYs In 2017, 16,651 patients were diagnosed with work-related low back pain but the estimation of low back pain which attribute to work was 17.7 percent (equal to 69,305 patients). Disability-adjusted life year due to work-related low back pain was 9,217.5 years. Underreporting about 4 times could be caused by a lack of knowledge about the workrelated disease. Therefore, knowledge should be given to doctors and multidisciplinary teams in prevention, surveillance, diagnosis, patient care, and reporting of the disease.


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How to Cite

ตั้งเจริญสมุทร จ, ชัยมณี อ, จงจิตรไพศาล ว. Burden of Work-Related Low Back Pain in Thailand, 2017. JPMAT [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(3):326-3. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/234788



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