Success Factors in Negotiations for Donation of Organs, Eyes and Tissue In Health Zone 4


  • สกล สุขพรหม Newrosurgy Pranangklao Hospital Nonthaburi


     This study is a retrospective study. By collecting donor organs, eyes, tissues from small general hospitals to regional hospitals in 8 provinces of the heath zone4, between 1October 2016 and 31 July 2019, 207 people were asked to study the success factors and obstacles in negotiation for the donation of organs, eyes and tissues in the 4th health zone. The success of negotiations for organs donation, eyes and tissue in the health zone 4.Mostly found in hospital with Transplant coordinator nurses together and neurosurgeon have a high chance of success at 18.07%. Hospital group with Transplant coordinator nurses and neurosurgeons have a chance of success in negotiations for donations of organs, eyes and tissues. Compared with hospitals without a neurosurgeon with Transplant coordinator nurse,
t-test and Non-parametric, Spearman correlation were significantly different p<0.05. Top 3 reasons that relatives rejection of organ donation. 1. Belief in the life of an incomplete organ. 2. Relatives decided the resolution was not unanimous 3. Do not want patients suffering from illness. The team of neurosurgeons and Transplant coordinator nurses, visit the empowerment and search potential donor is a successful factors in negotiation for organ, eye,
tissues donation in the health zone 4.


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How to Cite

สุขพรหม ส. Success Factors in Negotiations for Donation of Organs, Eyes and Tissue In Health Zone 4. JPMAT [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(3):296-303. Available from:



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