The Development of a Case Management Model for Patients with Multiple Trauma, Uthai Thani Hospital


  • ณภัคคนันท์ ยุวดี Registered nurse Uthai Thani Hospital
  • จินดา ผุดผ่อง Registered nurse Uthai Thani Hospital
  • นพพรพงศ์ ว่องวิกย์การ Registered nurse Uthai Thani Hospital
  • นฤมล จันทร์สุข Nurse instructor Boromrajonani College of Nursing


model development, Case management, Multiple Trauma


     This research and development study was aimed to develop and study the result after using a case management model for patients with multiple trauma, Uthai Thani Hospital between 1st October 2561 and 31st August 2562
     The purposive sampling technique was applied for the sample group. Participants were 1) The multidisciplinary teams 72 persons 2) A group of multiple trauma patients 60 persons. The study was divided into 3 stages; Situation study, Model developing process and result study. The 2 aspects for implementation research were 1) Focus group discussion guideline 2) The guideline of Nursing care for patients with multiple trauma tools for collecting data were:
1) Individualized information record of registered nurses 2) Individualized information record of patients 3) Nurses and multidisciplinary teams collaboration in nursing practice record 4) Nurse satisfaction with a case management model questionnaire 5) Patient satisfaction with nursing care questionnaire and 6) Key Performance Indicator of quality nursing care record. The method for collecting data were qualitative and quantitative data.
     Qualitative data analysis by content analysis and summarize. Quantitative data were analyzed by using Descriptive statistic, Frequency distribution, Percentage, Means and Standard deviation. Research result, in situation study stage found that there were not guideline of caring patient care systems lack of coordinators in continuity of care, no ongoing of care plans. In the stage of model developing process, this study found a model for patients with multiple trauma; guideline for caring patients with multiple trauma, registered nurses who were in charged of a case were
able to systematize in patients caring. The result after using this model, we found that registered nurses could coordinate with the multidisciplinary teams following the practice nursing guideline more than 80%. Overall satisfaction was significant at ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.67, S.D.=.48). Patient satisfaction was at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.78, S.D.=.42) and outcome indicators passed the criteria at 80.0%.


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How to Cite

ยุวดี ณ, ผุดผ่อง จ, ว่องวิกย์การ น, จันทร์สุข น. The Development of a Case Management Model for Patients with Multiple Trauma, Uthai Thani Hospital. JPMAT [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(3):280-95. Available from:



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