Indoor Air Quality and Microbial Indoor Air Quality in Tertiary Care Hospital


  • นภัฐมณ มโนรัตน์ Occupational and Environmental Health, Roi Et Hospital.
  • นันทกา สินธุนันท์สกุล Occupational and Environmental Health, Roi Et Hospital.


Indoor air quality in hospital, airborne microorganism, air quality


     This descriptive study was conducted to determine indoor air quality; temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, total volatile organic compound and microorganisms as bacteria and fungi in Roi Et Hospital. We collected 38 air samples in November 2018. The results found that mean of temperature was 27.00±2.37 ํc. Mean of relative humidity was 55.43±6.52 percent. Median of air velocity was 3 m/s. Median of CO2 was 429 ppm. Mean of total VOCs was 0.63±0.67 ppm. Bacterial counts were in range 30-1024 CFU/m3 and median bacterial count was 136 CFU/m3. Fungal counts were in range 30-640 CFU/m3 and median was 210 CFU/m3. These results compared with the recommendation and standard values for indoor air quality showed that 13.15 percent of the samples was in range for acceptable temperature; 76.32 percent for acceptable relative humidity; 39.47 percent for acceptable air movement; 97.37 percent for acceptable CO2; total 100 percent for acceptable volatile organic compounds; 81.58 percent for acceptable total bacterial counts and 89.47 percent for acceptable total fungal counts. The area that not passed the recommendation level was an indication of poor ventilation or an unsanitary condition and needed remedial action.


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How to Cite

มโนรัตน์ น, สินธุนันท์สกุล น. Indoor Air Quality and Microbial Indoor Air Quality in Tertiary Care Hospital. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 24 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(2):232-41. Available from:



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