A Model Development of Self-care on Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Community Roi-Et Province


  • พิทักษ์พงศ์ พายุหะ Roi-Et Provincial Health Office
  • บุษบา บัวผัน Roi-Et Provincial Health Office.
  • เสฐียรพงษ์ ศิวินา Roi-Et Provincial Health Office.


Self-care, Chronic Kidney Disease: CKD


     This research aims to develop a model development of self- care on chronic kidney disease patients in the community and to study the effectiveness of model development in self- care on chronic kidney disease patients in the community. 392 of samples diagnosed by doctors as kidney disease patients through a simple random sampling. The research instruments were a self-care model of chronic kidney disease patients in the community in five steps and the data were collected by questionnaires and record form. The Data were analyzed by mean of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t-test. The result indicated that: a model development of self-care on chronic kidney disease patients in the community had operational processes in five steps: 1) surveying and studying health conditions 2) planning 3) developing the potential care for patients with families, communities and multidisciplinary teams 4) implementing the project according to the plan, and 5) assessing and following up the result of the effectiveness of self-care model on chronic kidney disease patients in the community. After the development of this project found that knowledge of chronic kidney disease in patients increased by 1.75 scores (95% CI: 1.67, 1.98). Also, Risk behavior decreased before development (p=0.001). The risk behavior score decreased by 3.12 points (95% CI: 2.93, 3.38) and the rate of Kidney filtration increased before the development (p=0.001), with the filtration rate of kidneys increase of 9.42 scores (95% CI: -10.74, -8.98).


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How to Cite

พายุหะ พ, บัวผัน บ, ศิวินา เ. A Model Development of Self-care on Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Community Roi-Et Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(2):179-8. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/217636



Original Article