Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Associated Factors Among Hospital Personnel in Samutprakarn Hospital During 2014-2018


  • อรพรรณ ธีระตระกูลชัย Occupational Medicine Department, Samut Prakan Hospital, Samut Prakan Province.
  • เกศ ชัยวัชราภรณ์ Occupational Medicine Department, Samut Prakan Hospital, Samut Prakan Province.


Tuberculosis, Hospital personnel


     Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the most important problems in Thailand. Hospital personnel are at high risk of occupational exposure to tuberculosis. Incidence of tuberculosis among hospital personnel is higher than general population. The purpose of this study is to find out prevalence rate and factors that are associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in hospital personnel in order to improve disease prevention and health surveillance. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study based on the periodic health examination record of Samutprakarn Hospital personnel during 2014-2018. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and calculated for prevalence rate. Chi-square test and Binary logistic regression were used to analyze the association of statistical significance at the level of 0.05. Total hospital personnel number was 1624 in year 2018. Most of them were female and the average age was 38 years (SD=11.53). Hospital personnel increasingly attended the periodic chest x-ray from 64.27% in 2016 into 91.10% in 2018. For 5 years period, seventeen personnel were diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. The period prevalence was 1.48 during 5 years period. Most patients worked in the in-patient department and had less than 5 years working period. Body mass index was found to have significantly associated with pulmonary tuberculosis (p-value<0.01). Hospital personnel should recognize the importance of periodic chest x-ray in order to early detect pulmonary tuberculosis. Also, they should pay more attention to promote their health and keep normal BMI.


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ธีระตระกูลชัย อ, ชัยวัชราภรณ์ เ. Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Associated Factors Among Hospital Personnel in Samutprakarn Hospital During 2014-2018. JPMAT [internet]. 2019 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(2):166-78. available from:



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