The Integrated Community Management for Game and Anti-gambling Program


  • วิมลรัตน์ วันเพ็ญ Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute
  • ภาสกร คุ้มศิริ Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute
  • ธนาภรณ์ กองพล Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute
  • อารีนา หมัดอาดำ Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute


Game and Anti-gambling, Participatory action research (PAR), Community


     The objective behind this research is to develop an integrated community management for game and gambling problem using participatory action research (PAR) which emphasize the community to solve the problem on its own. Further, these are knotted with four important principles which are Plans, Participation & Action, Observe & Research and Reflect. The population and sample groups are community leaders and youths which are in the Tha Ma Prang subdistrict, Kangkoi, Saraburi. The research has shown that the community leaders have plan to solve the problem of game and gambling in the community and raise awareness towards this problem by arranging activity in community, school and temples. Based on statistical analysis, it’s found that now community leaders participate more to solve this game and gambling problem than the past (p<.05). Also, mental health illnesses (stress, p<.001), (depress, p<.001), (risk of suicidal, p<.05) have been reduced significantly. And, children and youths who were joined with projects have the risk of game (male, p<.001), (female, p<.05) and gambling problem (p<.001) reduced significantly. The prototype model based on this research is found adequate to solve game and gambling issue in this community. And can be used to solve issues like drugs addiction, teenage pregnancy etc. However, there is need to monitor and evaluate the result in long term. Finally, the most important thing is to build relation between researchers and community leaders.


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How to Cite

วันเพ็ญ ว, คุ้มศิริ ภ, กองพล ธ, หมัดอาดำ อ. The Integrated Community Management for Game and Anti-gambling Program. JPMAT [internet]. 2019 May 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(1):29-42. available from:



Original Article