People Participation in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention and Control in Wangnoi District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province


  • สมศักดิ์ เลาหภิชาติชัย District Public Health (Chief) Officer, Pra Nakorn Si Ayutthaya province.


Participation, Prevention and control of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever


     The results of the study showed that overall people’s participation in prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=2.91 S.D.=0.68). When considering each aspect, it was found that participation for finding problems was at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.05 S.D.=0.59), planning was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=2.79 S.D.=0.90), investment and operating was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=2.95 S.D.=0.65) and evaluating was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =2.85 S.D.=0.97) It has the following suggestions, should be developed to be better educate. Should have to improve the knowledge of the people about how to survey the breeding sites for mosquitoes at the public place of the village in every week. Giving information about the way how to prevent and control Dengue at the public place and around the village. Giving information about how to observe and follow people with dengue symptoms. If the found the patients, have to inform to the health officials. Stimulation for people in the village to use the temephos or feed a fish in the container without a lid. To have the knowledge to lead their practice to prevent dengue and could effectively disseminate knowledge to the people in the nearby village and should be educated on to other targets for expanse of education and progress in the implementation of prevention and control of dengue fever to cover all of Wangnoi and the interesting area. The results of the study will be used to guide the practice of public health officials and interested people.


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3. สำนักงานสาธารณสุขอำเภอวังน้อย,. รายงานการประชุมเอกสารประจำเดือน. พระนครศรีอยุธยา: เอกสารประกอบการประชุมประจำเดือน, งานควบคุมโรคติดต่อ. 2555.
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How to Cite

เลาหภิชาติชัย ส. People Participation in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention and Control in Wangnoi District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];4(2):143-50. Available from:



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