Factors Relating to the Happiness Level in Pakkret Hospital Personnel


  • อมฤต จิรเศรษฐสิริ Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine, Dhurakij Pundit University.
  • ไกรสร อัมมวรรธน์ Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine, Dhurakij Pundit University.


     The study aims to examine factors affecting the happiness in Pakkret hospital personnel. Data were collected during March 24th 2014 to April 4th 2014. The samples in this study were 201 of Pakkret hospital personnel. Data were collected using a questionnaire “HAPPINOMETER” developed by the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University. The subjects read and answered a questionnaire on their own. Respondents that can be fully analyzed 154 representing 76.61% of the sample. Chi square statistical with analysis computer analysis program used to determine the relationship between personal factors and factors indicating abdominal obesity on happiness levels measured from questionnaire.
     The findings show that in general, most respondents were female, age between 20-39 years old. Most samples got a bachelor degree or higher, married or living together, have at least one child, got a professional certification, government officers and a period working in the hospital less than 10 years. The happiness average score was 60.5 points interpreted at “happy” level that is a happiness targets. Considering each happiness dimension, all of them got “happy” level with the lowest score at 53.5 points in relaxed dimensional and highest score at 67.5 points in good spiritual dimension.
     It’s found that the personal factors age, education level, job type and job category are significant association with level of happiness at α=0.05, while the personal factors of sex, marital status and time at current job aren’t significant association with level of happiness at α=0.05. For the factors that indicate abdominal obesity is Body mass index (BMI) and Waist circumference aren’t significant association with level of happiness at α=0.05.


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How to Cite

จิรเศรษฐสิริ อ, อัมมวรรธน์ ไ. Factors Relating to the Happiness Level in Pakkret Hospital Personnel. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];4(2):118-24. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/173027



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