The Effect of Counseling Program Applying Motivational Interviewing Technique and Health Belief Model on Weight Loss Behavior of the Employees of Quality Construction Products Co., Ltd. (Thailand)


  • วัฒนา สาระขวัญ Department of Health Education, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province


Counseling Program, Weight Loss Behavior, Health Belief Model, Metabolic Syndrome Behaviors, Motivational Interviewing Counseling


     This quasi-experimental research was conducted to study the effect of counseling program applying motivational interviewing technique and health belief model on weight loss behavior of the employees of Quality Construction Products Co., Ltd. (Thailand). The study samples were 20 employees who work in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. The participants had received counseling program which consisted of 3 activities. Questionnaires were applied for data collection.
Percentage, mean, standard deviation, One Way Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures were applied for data analysis. The results revealed that: 1) After receiving the counseling program, perceived susceptibility of obesity, perceived severity of obesity, perceived benefit of obesity prevention and health motivation of the employees were statistically significant increased but their perceived barrier was not different from before receiving the counseling program.
2) After receiving the counseling program, weight loss behavior of the employees was statistically significant increased but their body weight was not different from before receiving the counseling program.


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How to Cite

สาระขวัญ ว. The Effect of Counseling Program Applying Motivational Interviewing Technique and Health Belief Model on Weight Loss Behavior of the Employees of Quality Construction Products Co., Ltd. (Thailand). JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];4(3):226-33. Available from:



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